Anji Ecosystem Report 08/06

Anji Ecosystem
2 min readJun 9, 2021

While the market is deciding what it wants to do with fear, uncertainty and doubt running rampant. Many tokens have disappeared from the scene showing their true colours. Our core team stands proudly next to the Anji Project, unfazed and evermore excited for the future. Our CORE VALUES are based around community, growth and making a better future for the world, and our CORE MISSION is to make crypto more human. Accessible, Empathetic and Powerful. ⚡️⚡️⚡️

The developer team has been busy with completing the AnjiSwap. This will be a great addition to the ecosystem allowing anyone to easily start trading our tokens. We aim to give the community an exact date of release very soon. So on release we will have the AnjiSwap, where you can buy / sell $SPND, $BMBO and BNB. AnjiWallet is where you can view the amount and value of your $SPND, $BMBO and BNB, along with some great graphs to support visually. AnjiStake SafePanda holders can perform all their staking there. A central place for all Anji tokens to be traded. The foundation for future tokens to join the Anji Ecosystem is then set!

While the developer team has been busy with that, Caleb and the other members of the core team have been market researching and developing the blueprints for the BAMBOO MARKETPLACE. This application is something that we have been excited to explore from the start and will be the commerce solution in the Anji Ecosystem. A platform for anyone to set up a merchant page and offer their services or products to the world. Without going too into detail just yet, the payment method behind the marketplace allows for SECURE, AUTONOMOUS & FAIR transactions that will set up merchants and service providers to perform business all on one platform and on the blockchain. MORE REVENUE, WITH BAMBOO!

Moving to the digital marketing, we can say the initial stages have been performing well. Our banner ads are released on a network of targeted websites and have performed well with a strong conversion rate to our website and generating more interest to buy. Our push ads also performed very well in Mexico and Brazil! So with our target audiences becoming more defined and targeted, we will eventually see a great influx coming into the Anji Ecosystem. We have also been performing some guerrilla marketing on several platforms.

To conclude I would like to personally welcome our new members and investors in the community. It’s great to have you all apart of Team Panda and joining us on this journey to make the world better through crypto. If you have a few minutes to do this survey it would be great for us to see where you found about our project. 🙂



Anji Ecosystem

Anji is the home for SafePanda & Bamboo. Our tokens are made with purpose, focused on animal conservation (Panda Adoptions) & the environment (Planting Trees).